Wind Service HUB technicians protect against accidental energy discharges from plants being worked on by physically obstructing access to the energy sources.

Wind Service HUB technicians inform staff by labelling who has disconnected the energy source. Although both methods are used for the same purpose, there is a difference in the level of security. Tagout is a warning and does not prevent physical connection to the energy source as lockout does. Wind Service HUB chooses to combine the two methods to ensure:

– Increased employee safety.
– Reduction of the risk of workplace accidents
– Ongoing work is highlighted on plants.

While several Wind Service HUB technicians work at a plant at the same time, we can ensure that the plant cannot be restarted until all employees have completed their work. This means that it is possible to find a way to secure all employees while they are working.

Ubicación y contacto


Vegarrozadas 32 Castrillón 33450
Asturias – España

Inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Asturias, en el Tomo 4531, Folio 147, Inscripción 1a, Hoja AS61308, provista de NIF: B44541357